Welcome to Bec’s Backyard, A site where I will share what happens on my 300m2 suburban section in Tauranga New Zealand.

I live in New Zealand’s 5th largest city located on the east coast of the North Island and have created my own slice of paradise with all sorts of creatures in a wonderfully green lush suburban jungle.

At Bec’s Backyard, we believe that connecting with nature is essential for a fulfilling and balanced life. Our mission is to inspire and empower individuals to create their own backyard oasis, where they can find solace, create memories, and embark on exciting outdoor adventures.

Who We Are:

Bec’s Backyard was founded by Rebecca Boyce, a passionate nature enthusiast and avid gardener. With years of experience in horticulture, landscape design and animal husbandry, Rebecca strives to help others discover the wonders of the natural world and transform their outdoor spaces into vibrant and harmonious environments.

What We Offer:

Gardening Tips and Advice: We understand that not everyone has a green thumb so through the posts we write we hope to provide you with ideas on stunning options for a flower bed, or interesting ways to make your garden a multi purpose space, and tips and tricks for growing and maintaining a thriving garden throughout the seasons.

Nature Exploration: We firmly believe that exploring the natural world is a source of endless wonder and enrichment. Through our blog and curated resources, we encourage you to embark on nature adventures, learn about your local flora and fauna, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the environment.

Why Bec’s Backyard?

Expertise and Passion: With a deep-rooted passion for nature and knowledge in horticulture, we are dedicated in providing you the information and build your skills and knowledge to help you create a backyard that reflects your personal style and brings you joy for years to come.

Customer-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We take the time to understand your unique needs and look to provide informative blog posts, tips and product reviews that will help you achieve your backyard visions and dreams.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness: At Bec’s Backyard, we embrace sustainable practices and eco-friendly solutions. From utilizing organic gardening methods and incorporating principles of permaculture, striving to minimize our environmental impact while creating beautiful outdoor spaces.

Community and Education: We believe in the power of community and the importance of sharing knowledge. Through our website, and social media channels, we foster a sense of belonging and provide valuable educational resources to help you become a confident and skilled gardener.

Join us on this exciting journey to transform your backyard into a haven of natural beauty, relaxation, and adventure. Get in touch with us today to start your sustainable backyard transformation.

My world is all about relationships and how we can lift each other up through connecting and sharing stories. If you are just starting out on your own backyard dream adventure then this is the place for you.

The becsbackyard facebook page was started because I wanted a place where I could share all the things I would normally share on my personal facebook but make it available to anybody and not feel bad that I was subjecting friends and family with farming in the burbs whether they liked it or not. Find me in other places here https://linktr.ee/rebeccaboyce